Working with EcommerceGold

So due to the large number of emails we get regarding sponsorships, affiliate partnerships and guest posts, I thought it best to create an information page covering all of these requests to hopefully save both yourself and us time (it’s precious you know!).


To be as impartial and unbiased as possible, we don’t do any sponsored content on EcommerceGold, whether a blog post or video.

Affiliate Partnerships

We only promote products or services that we have tried, tested and like and if you want us to test out your product or service, then please feel free to contact us with the offer to test out your product or service.

Please note though that if we test your product or service and decide to create a review around it, we will give our 100% honest opinion on it and this may lead to a good or bad review.

If we like the product or service that you offer, then we will be happy to take to conversation forward regrading becoming an affiliate partner of your business.

But please note that trying to entice us or offer to buy a position in any of our content with special affiliate commission offers or any other bonuses will not influence us, we only care whether you provide a good quality product or service.

Guest Posts

We currently do not accept guest posts on EcommerceGold, especially if you offer to pay us and want a dofollow backlink!